Diabetes is a common disease and hence it is always a hot topic.
From the western medicine perspective, there are many different types of medication, different types of treatments and different types of therapies for different types of diabetes.
We will limit our discussion to Type 2 diabetes and Reverse Diabetes therapy.
Type 2 diabetes is a common condition that causes the level of sugar (glucose) in the blood to become too high. It can cause symptoms like excessive thirst, needing to pee a lot and tiredness. It can also increase your risk of getting serious problems with your eyes, heart and nerves.
Control or regulation of sugar (glucose) in the blood is carried out by insulin hormone. Logically, de-functioning of insulin contributes to diabetes.
Sugar (glucose) comes from the foods taken. By such a statement, western medicine implies that food intake is a contributing factor to diabetes.
From the above proposition, the conclusion is the need to control food intake, and insulin level in the blood by medication or diet.
Reverse Diabetes therapy is through diet changes and weight loss, you may be able to reach and hold normal blood sugar levels without medication.
Western medicine keeps emphasizing that there is no cure to diabetes, meaning Reverse Diabetes therapy is a control measure, not complete cure.
Just based on the above conclusion made by the western medicine, we can have a good discussion from the ancient wisdom, Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic, perspectives.
Why western medicine often say, there is no complete cure to diabetes? Similarly, there is no cure to Parkinson, no cure to Autism, no cure Autoimmune disorders etc. ?
As per many discussion in my video courses, the reason is western medicine does not focus on the actual root causes, but focus on immediate mechanics that is associated with the diseases, e.g. diabetes, factors such as insulin level out of balance, food intake that eventually contributes to high sugar contents in the blood.
It is obvious that if medical professionals do not focus on the original root causes, logically there is no chance to find a complete cure.
It is obvious that if medical professionals only focus on the immediate mechanics that are associated with diabetes, i.e. insulin and food intake, then the best result is just control, but not cure.
Ancient wisdom will address diabetes problems in a holistic and integrated manner.
Some key questions to be addressed are
- What organ function is responsible to produce the optimal level of insulin to convert food to glucose?
- In what ways can such organ function be affected by other organs-functionalities?
- What particular factors affect the said organ functionalities out of balance?
The organ function for optimal level of insulin is Spleen (inclusive of pancreas) . As per ancient wisdom, Spleen is responsible for converting food into Qi Blood, i.e. internally generated nutrients for the body and energy for activities, which include what western medicine called glucose.
You can have excessive sweat foods that harm the Spleen function.
You can also have damaged or out of balance Spleen function that is not able to even convert low sugar content foods to glucose. Hence, in this case, it is not the food intake issue. It is the Spleen function itself.
Unlike western medicine which sees the body as a machine with parts to be managed, ancient wisdom sees all parts, organs, tissues etc as interconnected and inter-related.
For example, eye function is related to Liver function. If Liver function is out of balance, it affects the eye function and Spleen function, which affects production of Qi Blood, insulin and glucose.
Then the source of the diabetes is the Liver Function out of balance.
Spleen function can also be affected by out of balance Heart function, Lungs function, Kidneys function beside out of balance Liver function.
What then can cause these organ functions to be out of balance?
Ancient wisdom makes specific correlation, unlike western medicine which often offers vague and general suggestions e.g. good lifestyle, exercise, diets.
Using the examples of the above mentioned Spleen function out of balance and Liver function out of balance.
In the case of Spleen function out of balance, it can be caused by wrong food intake for the Spleen, by excessive thinking and worries, lack of Qi exercise for the Spleen Meridian etc.
In the case of Liver function out of balance, which affects the eyes and also affects Spleen functionality, it can be caused by wrong food intake for the Liver, anger emotions or suppressed emotions, excessive drive in performance, lack of Qi exercise for the Liver Meridian etc.
From the above, you can see that different diabetes patients have different sources of problems. There can be no balanced food intake for different organs, can be worries for some, anger for others, etc.
Food intake for different organs is an ancient wisdom food therapy concept. Western nutrition theory does not address what foods for what organ functions.
Ancient wisdom never says there is no cure for diseases, but emphasizes on total balancing, which is called Yin Yang balancing. If you have the knowledge and daily practice in balancing, then you live a complete healthy life.
The above is just a brief illustration of a holistic and integrated approach by ancient wisdom. For those who are seriously interested, welcome to join the video courses with internet links below.
English Video Training on the Ancient Wisdom
Andrew (Psychologist, Teacher of Ancient Wisdom).
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