TCM doctors also cannot help!

Sometime back I shared an article about a child with serious skin problem, for half a year various TCM medical treatments, resulted in not only no improvement, in some cases the problem intensified.

During the sharing at my 2-day Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic (YEIC) training, many participants also had bad experiences with TCM doctors, in one case, an autistic child with a few years acupuncture treatments, the autism problems became worse.

I pointed out to the participants that in the old days, China emperors had hundred of qualified TCM doctors, in many cases, these doctors, not only could not cure the illnesses of the emperor or royals, the illnesses intensified.

Eventually they found miraculous healer in the villages, who cured the very important people in the palaces. Miraculous healer like Hua Tuo 华佗!


1。There are many different medical treatments in TCM : accupucture, herbs, massage, etc. Some work well for certain patients, but not others.

2。The foundation of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) is on YEIC (Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classics) which provides the holistic and integrated theories. And these integrated approach is far superior than any of the above different treatment methods, which are individually sub-divided from the whole.

3。YEIC also emphasizes the importance of Mind, Consciousness and Emotions. “五神” involving psychology, personality, life attitudes etc.

YEIC also places great importance on daily foods consumed which either helps or harm our body. These necessary aspects of integrated health are not addressed by most TCM doctors.

Treat the person, not the illnesses

4。YEIC says, “Treat the person, not the illnesses”. But today most TCM doctors like Western Medicine doctors treat the symptoms and illnesses too, not the person as a whole.

  1. One of the principles of YEIC : “30% treatment, more importantly 70% Life Cultivation” 三分治七分养。 This gives great emphasis on how you live your life daily as critically important, not just medicine.

6。Because YEIC embraces all things in the universe, life, not just health in totality, there are very few “miraculous healer” who have wide fields of knowledge and experiences.

Just like a skillful detective, with so many clues, facts, events happening …. He is able to filter the noises and only focus on the signals to solve the case.

7。Visiting a doctor is only a few hours with a few visits matter, but the YEIC emphasis on Life Cultivation which is 24 hours, daily consciousness and practices.

If today you find a “miraculous healer” to cure your illnesses, it is your luck and fortune.

However it is far better you learn the knowledge of YEIC and become your own best doctors on small illnesses so that they would not develop into serious health problems, and practice Life Cultivation.

This discussion involves a few key concepts which are elaborated in the online training .“Best doctor prevent sickness 上医”,”5 Consciousness 五神”,”5 Emotions 五情志”, “Treat person not illness 治人不治病”,”30% treatment 70% life cultivation 三分治七分养”,”Prevention 治未病” 。。。

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Video Training on the Ancient Wisdom


Andrew Wong
EP Coach / Trainer / Facilitator.
心理辅导师 / 培训老师 / 带动集团学习师
Hp +6012 606 1525

学习 “黄帝内经“博客

Facing Old Age

There is this video about adult son hitting the old parents in China. It is very distasteful, as values of respecting old people, what more parents, are considered vital important.

I have another reflection watching the video.

I had a coaching case of an old lady, whose adult son’s patience has been stretched by her to a limit. The old lady for the last year or so, became very temperamental, scolding the in-laws and the maid and accusing the son for stealing her money, and wanted her to die soon.

The old mother has pain here and there, discomfort every day which she complains non-stop. The son and family try their very best to accommodate her, bring her to clinic and hospitals.

But nothing improves. And the son wonders it is because of her psychological issues and calls me for help.

I also come across some adult children, with such difficult case, lost their patience and hit the old parents, which they regret greatly later.

Psychological Issue or Physiological Issue

After my coaching session with the old mother, I explained to the family it is not psychological issues but her body organs system deteriorate badly, with lots of imbalances, and these affect the mood and behaviors.

This is similar to autistic child’s behavioral problems arising from physiological imbalances or called Yin-Yang imbalance.

This is the key principle of YEIC : psychology and physiology affecting each other.

Both the old mother and the adult children do not know YEIC Life Cultivation 养生 principles, meaning if the old lady knows YEIC, and if she practices Life Cultivation before her old age, her body internal system, though may deteriorate, but in a more balanced manner. (In my previous articles, I mentioned how emotions affect organs, like Anger affects Liver, Fear affects Kidneys), ..

And the children do not know YEIC and they hope doctors can help the mother, but doctors can’t. Because Western Medicine never considers psychology and emotion as part of the body organs systems.

Some people, without Life Cultivation, when come to old age, they may not manifest in behavioral problems, but illnesses like diabetes, Parkinson, cancers etc.

I suggest to the adult children and in-law to learn YEIC so as to apply Life Cultivation for their mother. One cannot depend on medicine and doctors (Western Medicine or TCM) forever. But, like most people, the children expect me to give a magical pill or solution, without them having to learn new things with application.

This is a common mindset of people. “Too busy with life, if sick, see doctors”. This is very different from YEIC, which stress the importance on Life Cultivation to prevent sickness.

It is difficult for me to convince them, nor do I want to convince them, but only explain to them. Obviously the adult children do not think what may happen to them when they grow old. Most people assume, today my health is quite Ok, I should be ok in the future. Is that so?

I see the adult children and in-law still busy sending the old grumbling mother from clinic to TCM doctors to hospitals.

It is pitiful people get caught in vicious circle without any breakthrough.

This discussion involves a few key concepts which are elaborated in the online training. “5 Consciousness and 5 Organs 五神对应五脏” “Emotions and Organs 情志”,”Life Cultivation 养生”,”Functionalities of Organs 脏腑功能”
“Words in Chinese are texts from the book YEIC, 3000 years ago.”

Welcome to enroll

Video Training on the Ancient Wisdom


Andrew Wong
EP Coach / Trainer / Facilitator.
心理辅导师 / 培训老师 / 带动集团学习师
Hp +6012 606 1525

学习 “黄帝内经“博客

Blueprint for Life

This is another useful concept from “Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic” YEIC. It provides a broad category of illnesses.


For any type of illnesses, there is one category belongs to deficiencies occurred at pre-natal, and another category post-natal.

We will use some examples to illustrate such concept.

Pre-natal Deficiency

For most autistic children, after birth or a few years later, parents notice something unusual as compared with normal healthy child development, for example strange behaviors or learning difficulty. Mostly these cases are grouped under “Pre-natal Deficiency”, which also include during fetus stage.

It is like today science called hereditary or DNA problems, or inherently weak body constituents of the mother giving rise to unhealthy baby. 体质失调问题。

Post-natal Deficiency

A grown up person with rather good health, but over years develop into illness : cancers, Parkinson, diabetes etc. .. These are grouped as “Post-natal Deficiency”.

Some may have combination of both Pre-natal and Post-natal Deficiencies.

Post-natal deficiency mostly arise from the person ignorant of Life Cultivation, lack of knowledge of how illnesses come about and engage in activities which do harm to the body.

Life Cultivation is a big subject, which we will discuss later over time.

Irrespective of Pre or Post Natal deficiencies, YEIC broadly explains them as “Yin-Yang imbalance”. In theory, when one can balance the Yin Yang, autistic child can develop healthily, cancers, Parkinson patients can be healed.

Yin-Yang Theory

Yin-Yang Concept is interesting “阴阳学说” but it is rather abstract.

Just a small example

Body organs are classified into Yin and Yang.

E.g. Heart = Yin, Small Intestine = Yang

And Heart & Small Intestines work in pair, closely related to each other like cousin-brothers. We had this relationship discussion earlier.

And Yin-organs and Yang-organs each have their unique functionalities.

Heart = Yin, Yin is defined as condensed matter,

Small Intestine = Yang. Yang is defined as loose, hollow, constantly in motion, which is the case of small intestine, which continuously absorb fresh nutrients from digested foods and discharge to the large intestines the impure portions of the digested foods.

And the YEIC main proposition is that :

*When all the key 5 organs functionalities are in good order and balanced, we have healthy body and mind*.

Are you not impressed with the ancient sages, 3000 years ago, coming out with simple concepts to guide healing and Life Cultivation, and provide a Blueprint for life.

This discussion involves a few key concepts which are elaborated in the online training . “Pre n Post Natal Deficiency 先天不足,后天不足”,”Life Cultivation 养生”,”Yin-Yang Theory 阴阳学说”,”Body Constituents 体质” , “Organs Functionalities 脏腑功能”,
“Words in Chinese are texts from the book YEIC, 3000 years ago.”

Welcome to enroll

Video Training on the Ancient Wisdom


Andrew Wong
EP Coach / Trainer / Facilitator.
心理辅导师 / 培训老师 / 带动集团学习师
Hp +6012 606 1525

学习 “黄帝内经“博客

Stronger the heart the better?

TED Speaker, Oded Shoseyov’s researches plant molecular biology protein engineering and nanobiotechnology, creating super-performing materials that are could change the way we build our future products.

He makes a compelling presentation how scientists have not learned or decoded the 3 billions years of wisdom nature offers.

Hence comparing 200 years of modern science Vs 3 billions years of nature wisdom, today modern science is still in its infancy state.

The speaker makes impressive presentation on the promise of future new nanobiotechnology.

Such innovation and new products will certainly enhance the world at large.

Nature Wisdom Decoded

Interestingly also, 3000 years ago Chinese ancient sages also decoded the mysteries of the universe and life of billions of years history, with observations made in the book called “Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic”.

As compared with the TED speaker, the ancient sages pointed another important pattern : “The Relationship and Integration of Parts” theory, whereas the speaker only focusing on parts.

For example, TED speaker talks about the new innovation applied to human body.

He gives examples of heart (transplanted) , with the new technology, is much stronger and durable.

Stronger the heart the better?

He may not be aware that even today there are many cases of old people having heart transplant die soon, when the heart donors are from young people with strong hearts.

Making strong heart, with transplant or nanobiotechnology ignores the  “The Relationship and Integration of Parts” theory, as the strong heart cannot be well supported by the other interacting organs like Liver, Lungs, Kidneys and Spleen which are not strong due to aging.

The relationship theory, as per 5-element theory of the ancient wisdom, in the case of strong heart installed, affects the lungs.

As per the 5-element theory, heart is represented by Fire, and lungs by Metal. Lungs are represented by Metal. Fire Controls or melts the Metal.

The person straightaway, with the new strong heart will have difficulty in breathing.

The 3 billions years of sustainable nature growth is an ecological process that involves countless parts interacting and supporting each other, none can be isolated for treatment.

The new nanobiotechnology is useful to produce new material-products to benefit mankind, but certainly not in applying to a living human body, unless the scientists incorporate the decoded wisdom of Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic.

This discussion involves a few key concepts which are elaborated in the  online training  .“Five-Element Theory 五行学说”
“Words in Chinese are texts from the book YEIC, 3000 years ago.”

Welcome to enroll

Video Training on the Ancient Wisdom


Andrew Wong
EP Coach / Trainer / Facilitator.
心理辅导师 / 培训老师 / 带动集团学习师
Hp +6012 606 1525

学习 “黄帝内经“博客

Who is 1st class doctor?

Today I share some interesting concepts of Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic.


“Not just focus on treating the Illness, but those parts that are still functioning well”


“30% on treatment, but more importantly 70% on LIfe Cultivation”.

For example, illness like stomach cancer, all attentions are on treating the cancer.

When the ancient sages say “Not just focus on treating the Illness, but those parts that are still functioning well”, it does not mean you should not seek treatment from doctors, as the sages also say “30% on treatment, but more importantly 70% on Life Cultivation”.

Why such concepts?

When we have opportunity to study more deeply YEIC, we can understand what is meant by Total Integration of Life.

Integration of the body parts, those with illness, those without, organs, tissues, emotions, beliefs, life attitudes, what we eat, how we sleep,exercise …. As they are all interconnected and interrelated to each other.

As per the 5-element-theory, there is possibility that stomach cancer may arise from Liver problems.

And Liver problem is often caused by frustration, angers or other negative emotions.

With the understanding of such relationship, as illustrated just now, we can better appreciate the total Life Cultivation approach.

Does it make sense to you?

There is another ancient saying regarding : “Who is the best doctor?”


3rd class doctors treat serious illness,
2nd class doctors treat light illness.
1st class doctors or best doctors treat you, even now you have no illness, but you will not get sick in the future.

The ancient 1st class doctor, when interacting with patient will little sickness, he can tell the person if he does not develop good Life Cultivation, he will get sick by certain year, month and day.

Today we view medical doctors in reverse order, ya? We glorify doctors who treat well a serious disease case. But no doctors specialize in illness prevention.

Why not we learn YEIC to learn to be our own 1st class doctor, stay healthy and not get serious illnesses.

This discussion involves a few key concepts which are elaborated in the online training .“Organs Functionalities 脏腑功能”,”5 emotions 五情”,”5 Consciousness 五神”,”5-element model 五行学说 “.
“Words in Chinese are texts from the book YEIC, 3000 years ago.”

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Video Training on the Ancient Wisdom


Andrew Wong
EP Coach / Trainer / Facilitator.
心理辅导师 / 培训老师 / 带动集团学习师
HP +6012 606 1525

学习 “黄帝内经“博客

Small Intestines and Behaviors


Today we talk about the functionalities of Small Intestines.

One of the keys functions of Small Intestines is Separating Pure and Impure of digested foods. This needs the process of Separation, Absorption,Transformation.

The Pure gets absorbed as nutrients for the body growth and various activities. The impure to be sent to the Large Intestines to be discharged.

Writer Leon Hammer, M.D. of “Dragon Rises, Red Bird Flies (Psychology & Chinese Medicine)” is a psychologist and studies deeply Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic, which gives him the knowledge and theory to link psychology and physiology.

He has a patient case who has severe heart problem. He also found out that since young the patient lived a very disorganized and very un-systematic life. She is not able to sort out things, or emotions or relationship issues , as a result that greatly affect her life, her marriage, her career, and many other difficulty in life, one of which is the severe heart problem.

YEIC says “Heart and Small Intestine” like cousin-brother are closely relate to each other. When one is weakened, it affects the other. (心与小肠相表里)

The above case nicely demonstrates such relationship. Heart problem, also Small Intestines problems, not able to separate / sort digested foods, things and emotions.

Many of the Westerners, especially psychologists, particularly attract to learn YEIC because they find that YEIC is the world only integrated model linking psychology with physiology, which should Not  be separated for treatment.

In comparison, many Eastern Traditional Chinese Medicine doctors do not examine the psychological aspects of the patients. Hence the healing is often incomplete.

As a result, Westerners prefer Chinese Medicine more than Easterners.

When we study YEIC deeper, we can have more enlarged and objective views regarding illnesses, performance issues, personal or at work in the organization. And we can take effective actions.

Interestingly, many corporations and organization invest greatly in Leadership, Teambuilding programs, ignoring the facts that physiology, the members’ body organs functionalities are key contributing factors too.

This discussion involves a few key concepts which are elaborated in the online training  .“Organs cousin relationship 相表里”, “Organs Functionalities 脏腑功能”,”Pure 清气”,”Impure 浊气”,”5 emotions 五情”,”5 Consciousness 五神”,。。。
“Words in Chinese are texts from the book YEIC, 3000 years ago.”

Welcome to enroll

Video Training on the Ancient Wisdom


Andrew Wong
EP Coach / Trainer / Facilitator.
心理辅导师 / 培训老师 / 带动集团学习师
Hp +6012 606 1525

学习 “黄帝内经“博客

Many different treatments without compelling theory!

During my 2-day Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic (YEIC ancient wisdom) training, I asked the participants : “Observe carefully, what are the similarities in behaviors between autistic children and some old people with health problems?”

With such focused question, after a while, participants pointed out the following similarities.

They have 5-senses deficiencies, learning difficulties, hands and limbs not flexible, slow and not alert, fixed behaviors, repeated behaviors, stubborn, throw tantrum, temperamental …..

The parents with autistic children suddenly brightened their eyes, and began to wonder : “Why similar behavioral pattern problems having different therapies? Why I have to spend so much time, energy and money on Occupational Therapy, Sensory Integration, Speech Therapy, for my autistic child, whereas the older people with similar behavioral problems do not need to? Is there really a coherent theory to explain phenomena and with which to execute therapy?”

This is indeed the current challenges of 200 years old Western Medicine, which does not have an integrated and holistic theoretical framework governing life and human body system, but so many fragmented and piecemeal theories and application, with no linkages with each other.

3000 years ago, what does YEIC theory says?

“Kidneys system is Prenatal foundation.” (same as today concept like genes, DNA). And “Kidneys Store these Essence” (The essence of life)

These notions or theories explain the behavioral patterns of autistic children and unhealthy older people.

“Kidneys system is Prenatal foundation.” “Kidneys Store these Essence”, upon birth, healthy baby inherits the genes and DNA from healthy parents, called Essence “精”. When subsequent life span with good Life Cultivation practice, one can live till designed life span of 120 years old.

Most autistic children do not have such quality Essence, which in our previous discussion, called “Prenatal deficiency”. Hence Kidneys-Qi is deficient. Kidney Qi governs one’s intelligence (learning ability). Weak Kidney Qi further weaken other organs like Liver (with tantrum, as Liver Stores Anger), etc etc.

For a normal health person, over time, when he excessively uses his energy, emotions, activities, .. the Kidney Essence gets depleted very fast. And these result in many people even before older age, have learning difficulties, forgetfulness, bones weakened (all these are attribute of Kidneys Qi or energy), which later affect other organs like Liver ( with anger and stubbornness, etc.)

With such a theory in hand, we can then focus our attention to do healing to the Kidney Qi / Essense to both autistic children and older people.

Isn’t it important to have a logical and compelling Theory to act upon to get meaningful and effective application in therapy and treatment?

If we operate on the wrong theory e.g. “Anything heavier than air cannot fly” then we can never able to invent and build airplane.

So Lady and Gentleman, what theory do you use to operate on to manage your health, whether it is autism, cancers, Parkinson?

This discussion involves a few key concepts which are elaborated in the video training courses.

“Kidney-qi lays the life foundation upon birth 肾为先天之本” “Kidneys Store Essence 肾藏精” , “Pre n Post Natal Deficiency 先天不足,后天不足”,”Life Cultivation 养生”,”Organs Functionalities 脏腑功能”,

“Words in Chinese are texts from the book YEIC, 3000 years ago.”

Welcome to enroll

Video Training on the Ancient Wisdom


Andrew Wong
EP Coach / Trainer / Facilitator.
心理辅导师 / 培训老师 / 带动集团学习师
Hp +6012 606 1525

学习 “黄帝内经“博客

Excessive compassion becomes problems!

Many have hearts of sympathy to others’ sufferings. What happen if it is excessive sympathy?

When come across a beggar, she feels guilt, feel uncomfortable. She must give some money to the beggar to feel at ease, and to be able to sleep at night, though the sleep is still not at peace.

Many see suffering in the world feel helpless, not able to do much except by broadcasting such news at their Facebook, calling all to pray for them.

As per YEIC, it is considered such people’s hearts are “Heart Deficient and cold”, implying “Qi blood insufficient”.

Often such deficiency arises from lack of love and care during childhood. They project such “lack” onto the suffering people around.

Due to “deficiency” she desires for love and care with great intensity. Whoever gives her a little bit of help, she considers such person committed to love her till eternity. Later, if happen they get married, she holds the ultimate belief that he loves her wholeheartedly, even if he abuses and hurts her badly, until she cannot bear any longer, she may commit suicide. Or, her blind devotion turns into hatred and kills him.

Such described relationship, though different in degree, is not uncommon.

Her dreams are often of sad scenes, with red color scheme, or abandoned dogs, .. or forever in search for something, or in a large empty room.

She prefer cold foods and drinks, and that make her condition worse.

(“Cold / hot is not what is measurable with thermometer, but as Chinese understanding of intrinsic cold or hot)

Whereas for a healthy person with adequate Qi-blood, his reaction to the suffering people is different. He has good self confidence, positively learning new knowledge and skills so as to be able to help those suffering more effectively.

Teach people how to fish and not give them fish.

Autistic child with “Heart Deficiency and coldness” is more withdrawn, hiding in his World of Autism, not able to socialize.

YEIC says “Heart stores Consciousness, 神 Spirit ”, due to deficiency and coldness, the consciousness is unable to operate.

When parents with autistic child learn YEIC, the Life Cultivation, 养生之道,they would give the child more Yang foods, and other therapies to increase “Qi-blood”.

If the parents continue with Western Nutrition Theory, the autistic child’s conditions get worse.

This discussion involves a few key concepts which are elaborated in the online training .

” Body Organs Functionalities 五脏六腑功能”,”Life Cultivation 养生” ,”Heart Difficiency & Coldness 心虚寒”,”Heart Stores Consciousness 心藏神”,
“Words in Chinese are texts from the book YEIC, 3000 years ago.”

Welcome to enroll

Video Training on the Ancient Wisdom


Andrew Wong
EP Coach / Trainer / Facilitator.
心理辅导师 / 培训老师 / 带动集团学习师
Hp +6012 606 1525

学习 “黄帝内经“博客

No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it

January this year (2018) I conducted 2-day training on “Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic” to Sibu Parkinson Society. One of the participants invited me to make a write up proposal to introduce YEIC to the next year Work Parkinson Conference in Japan.

I was thinking how to introduce ancient Chinese wisdom to a group of people who are mostly deeply influenced by the Western Education and Western Medicine concepts?

I started a title *[Vital paradigm shift for people living with Parkinson’s]* .

I borrow words from Albert Einstein : “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.”

1817年,Dr James Parkinson identified the illness which later called “Parkinson disease”. Till today there is still no cure to it.

People living with Parkinson have the thinking pattern, just like other patients with difficult diseases, that there is need to constantly search for better medicine and therapy. Some attend conference to seek mutual support. This thinking pattern has existed 200 years since 1817 and still continuing.

I feel that such thinking pattern – in search for better medicine or waiting for better medicine, in itself is a problem.

In the old days, ancient sages make distinction between medical treatment and the Tao of Living, or Life Cultivation.

They place the Tao of Living or Life Cultivation more important than medical treatment. Life Cultivation concerns the whole being, the LIFE itself, not just the health issue like Parkinson. And Life is certainly full of potentialities, which are not fully manifested.

Life Cultivation 养生 is caring for life, 24 hrs a day, 365 days a year. What you do or don’t do? What you eat? Sleeping habits? How you exercise? What thoughts, what emotions, what attitudes towards life, what types of interaction with people, how you care yourself and others and how others love you, ….

Hence I introduce to the World Parkinson Conference organizer regarding the importance of Paradigm Shift, to shift from 200 years old pattern taking this medicine, that medicine, searching for better medicine, doing this therapy and that exercises, taking this nutritious foods, avoid certain foods, today this activities, tomorrow that activities, .. numerous routines, all in fragmented manners, non-aligned.

.. Shift to a holistic and aligned approach : diets intake to ensure proper key organs functionalities, 五脏六腑的功能,qi-exercises to ensure proper qi-movement for better key organs functionalities, thinking, emotions, attitudes towards life to ensure raising to higher consciousness of key organs, as each organ holds different aspect of Consciousness, …

This is a totally integrated healing system.

And that is also the key message from Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classics. And when the 5 key organs functionalities are in good balance, illnesses healed.

Albert Einstein said :“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.”

This discussion involves a few key concepts which are elaborated in the online training.
“Organs functionalities 五脏六腑功能”,”Organs Consciousness 五神”, “Medical Treatment and Life Cultivation 医道相通”,“life cultivation 养生”,
“Words in Chinese are texts from the book YEIC, 3000 years ago.”

Welcome to enroll

Video Training on the Ancient Wisdom


Andrew Wong
EP Coach / Trainer / Facilitator.
心理辅导师 / 培训老师 / 带动集团学习师
Hp +6012 606 1525

学习 “黄帝内经“博客

Is Medicine the only answer?

In our Chinese WhatsApp YEIC discussion group, when the discussion is on various types of symptoms or sickness, some members often ask ; “Teacher, what medicine should I take?”

This is a general mindset : “Not feeling well or sick, one must take medicine.”

Today we discuss further such concept, “sickness, not well, behavioral problems, …what medicine or therapy should be applied?”

Let us spell out from our head the various questions we often have : “Should one take medicine because of sickness? Should I take medicine for life? In what situation medicine does not really help? ….”

Not long ago, I was watching a video from China, about a famous TCM doctor sharing his experience on “望闻问切” i.e. by “examining the patient, listening to his voice, make some important inquiry, and feeling the patient’s pulse, the TCM doctor is able to determine the sickness of a patient.

A lady from the audience was invited for demonstration, After a few seconds, the lady was surprised the doctors able to tell her often occurred discomfort and sickness, and she quickly asked “Doctor, what medicine should I take?”.

The doctor replied, “I am not teaching you to take medicine. But I will teach you about your diet, and how to function well as a human being”.

As per YEIC, this is considered a first class doctor, who “treats a person, not his sickness . Treat parts that are well.” 上医不治已病,治未病”, “治人不治病”。

But in some cases, surely medicine is needed. How to know the difference?

First, we need to understand the purpose of medicine as per YEIC. If you say it is to cure sickness, then Western Medicine is also to cure sickness. What is the difference?

The ancient sage considers the key purpose of medicine is to help to restore your basic body organs functionalities, e.g. if you have severe asthma, you hardly can breathe, a TCM doctor may use a strong herb to get the Qi-to move, thus restore breathing.

Let me repeat, in YEIC, the purpose of medicine (herbs) is to restore body organs functionalities, 五脏六腑功能。

This concept is very different from Western Medicine, which if there is headache, pain killer is used. If cancers, use medicine to kill the cancer cells, including the healthy cells.

We have heard ancient stories in China, e.g. a poor farmer has a sick child since birth, with severe and constant sickness, many doctors are not able to cure him, and the farmer begs a Sifu in the mountain to take care of the son. The son helps the Sifu clean his residence, follow the Sifu Qi-gong, and follow the Sifu’s simple diet.

Years later, the son gets well and strong, with good performance in Qi-gong, much to the pride and delight of the Sifu. This is an example of “Life Cultivation” (养生), without taking medicine.

The same principle applied. Whether taking medicine (herb) or Life Cultivation, i.e. the Tao of Living, for a long term, restore the body organs functionalities. When body organs functionalities, e.g. heart, lung, liver, kidney spleen, are functioning well, one will not get sick anymore.

Ancient miraculous healer, Sun Simiao, 孙思邈,says : “As a doctor, he must first consider using diet to heal the patient, If diet does not work, consider medicine (herbs)”.

Diet and Herb can restore body organs functionalities “药食同源”. This is what we discuss in details in the 2-day YEIC training.

Especially for autistic child, Parkinson sufferer, or who are in long term sickness, instead on totally dependent only on current medication, Life Cultivation, the Tao of Living is recommended.

In our WhatsApp group, a member due to a fall ten years ago, today suffers much discomfort and pain, after many attempts to try with many doctors, therapists, medicine, … do not help, he is still looking for a pill to cure him. Perhaps he should consider Life Cultivation, the Tao of Living. 养生*,又 *养心 了。

If your today health is reasonable. Life Cultivation helps you to prevent major sickness.

This discussion involves a few key concepts which are elaborated in the online training .

“Life Cultivaqtion, 养生,养心”,Diet and Medicne same functions “药食同源”, Organs Functionalites “五脏六腑功能”,
“Words in Chinese are texts from the book YEIC, 3000 years ago.”

Welcome to enroll

Video Training on the Ancient Wisdom


Andrew Wong
EP Coach / Trainer / Facilitator.
心理辅导师 / 培训老师 / 带动集团学习师
Hp +6012 606 1525

学习 “黄帝内经“博客